
In contrast to IV, recent research shows that liposomes are sustained in the plasma at effective levels for much longer than IV nutrients [3], are better absorbed than IV supplements in the lymphatics [4], cells, and tissues [5] - and even the brain [6]. Moreover, they readily achieve plasma levels known to kill cancer and maintain it longer than IV, and achieve higher plasma levels than oral vitamin C [7].

(Studies indicate similar efficacy for liposomal Glutathione, B Vitamins, and several cancer drugs, as well.)

Conventional IV vitamin C reaches general circulation and is deemed "100% bioavailable", but this is only part of the story. Studies show that as little as 15% of IV vitamin C is actually absorbed in a useful way by the body; the remaining 85% is excreted unused [1]. Additionally, IV supplements tend to be excreted very rapidly [2], meaning therapeutic effect is very brief. Liposomes, such as IVtoGo's vitamin C, Glutathione, and B Vitamins, can remain in circulation for days rather than hours.

The degree to which liposomes are absorbed, the array of tissues they can access which IV vitamins cannot, and what has been clinically verified to occur in plasma make IVtoGo's ultrapure formulation a compelling alternative to traditional IV treatment.

It is a virtual must-have for those who are too sick, remotely located, or busy to visit an IV clinic.

1. Yung, S., Mayersohn, M., & Robinson, J. (1982). Ascorbic acid absorption in humans: a comparison among several dosage forms. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , 71 (3), 382-385.

2. Levine, M, C Conry-Cantilena, and Y Wang. "Vitamin C pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers: Evidence for a recommended dietary allowance." PNAS 93 (1996): 3704-3709.

3. Hickey, Stephen, Hilary Roberts, and Nicholas Miller. "Pharmacokinetics of oral vitamin C." Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine 13, no. 3 (September 2008): 169-177.

4. Ali, K., Mudassir, J., Mohtar, N., & Darwis, Y. (2013). Advanced drug delivery to the lymphatic system: lipid-based nanoformulations. International Journal of Nanomedicine , 8, 2733-44.

5. Bozzuto, G., & Molinari, A. (2015). Liposomes as nanomedical devices. International Journal of Nanomedicine , 10, 975-999.

6. Vieira, D., & Gamarra, L. (2016). Getting into the brain: liposome-based strategies for effective drug delivery across the blood–brain barrier. International Journal of Nanomedicine , 11, 5381-5414.

7. Davis, J., Paris, H., Beals, J., Binns, S., Giordano, G., Scalzo, R., et al. (2016). Liposomal-encapsulated Ascorbic Acid: Influence on Vitamin C Bioavailability and Capacity to Protect Against Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury. Nutrition and Metabolic Insights , 9, 25-30.