
Traditionally, we've associated vitamin D primarily with bone health, and rightly so. Alongside calcium, it's vital for maintaining bone density. However, the benefits of vitamin D extend far beyond bone health, encompassing a crucial role in managing inflammation, a process linked to numerous chronic conditions.
Inflammation tends to creep up with age and is a know risk factor for almost every chronic condition. "29% of US adults have deficient levels of Vitamin D and another 41% have insufficient levels." (Cambridge, 2018) These are very concerning numbers and especially for postmenopausal women who are at higher risk for heart disease.
And researchers of a recent systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics specifically looked at this relationship between vitamin D and inflammation in postmenopausal women. And they found some promising results.

The study, which analyzed data from seven randomized controlled trials, focused on women in the postmenopausal stage and examined inflammation levels measured through C-reactive protein (CRP) blood tests, a marker associated with cardiovascular health.

Elevated CRP levels are often indicative of inflammation, with factors like belly fat contributing to its increase, particularly during the menopause transition. The study aimed to determine if vitamin D supplementation could effectively alleviate this inflammation.

The results were compelling. The pooled analysis of data from 758 postmenopausal women revealed a significant reduction in CRP levels with vitamin D supplementation. On average, CRP levels decreased by 0.65 mg/L among those receiving vitamin D supplements compared to the control group.

Notably, the impact of supplementation was most pronounced when vitamin D3 was used, with a daily dose of at least 1,000 IU for a minimum of three months, especially in women with deficient vitamin D levels.
While the study did not find significant changes in blood pressure, previous research indicates the potential of vitamin D in regulating blood pressure. For those with hypertension and low vitamin D levels, correcting deficiencies remains crucial.

When it comes to supplementation, the optimal dose for achieving adequate vitamin D levels (40 ng/mL) and optimal levels (60-80 ng/mL) is around 5,000 IU per day of vitamin D3. Scandilabs Immune Formula+ have combined Vitamin D3 with K2 as well as being in a liposomal formulation, for optimal absorption.

In conclusion, postmenopausal women experiencing health concerns such as weight gain and inflammation can benefit from daily vitamin D supplementation, particularly if deficient. It's a simple yet effective strategy to address these concerns and promote overall well-being, including quality sleep—a vital component of a healthy lifestyle.